— allen (@thebrooktown) October 28, 2020

Spotify Against Free Speech Pathologists

'Journalists for Censorship'

— InTheRightColumn (@TheRightColumn) October 28, 2020

Sticks and stones will break my bones but corporations that allow “misinformation” (stuff I don’t like) must be tattled to.

— Uncle Scar (@ScarGroyper) October 28, 2020
CNN’s resident bed wetter also got in on the act:

Here is Spotify's Joe Rogan giving Alex Jones a platform after Spotify deplatformed Jones back in 2018. https://t.co/tDjijPjNt4

— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) October 27, 2020

Journalists: Lobby to have any original, interesting, fun, authentic person silenced in a culture of insipid, sterile boredom.

Also journalists: 'Why does everyone hate us?'
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) October 28, 2020

Imagine being so pathetic and boring that you are forced to craft an entire career out of lobbying for all the interesting people to be banned, so your tedious, insipid ass is all that's left.

…and yet still no one is interested in what you have to say.
Free spotify premiumpc. — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) October 28, 2020

This needs to be censored immediately

— James T. (@jamest1128) October 27, 2020
Aside from spewing their usual vitriol against Jones, Soros propaganda arm Media Matters also went after Comedian Tim Dillon, who appeared alongside Jones and Rogan on the podcast, insinuating that he is a racist for expressing disdain over Democrat efforts to defund police.
Spotify android app download apk. Other leftists cried to Spotify, threatening to cancel their accounts, along with the hashtag #cancelspotify, which is highly ironic given that a large portion of Jones and Rogan’s conversation centred around cancel culture:

There is a time and place in history where you take a stand with your wallet. This is it.
Cancel your @Spotify Subscription, NOW. https://t.co/LsZ5rOkXfF

— Akhi's Bytes and NASA's Flights(fr sale on amazon) (@AkhisBytes) October 27, 2020

Cancelling @Spotify now. https://t.co/xXltMTgwEs

— Feckless Tunt (@kindapettybetty) October 27, 2020

Hey @Spotify. I just cancelled my Premium account. If you'd ever like my money back, can it with this shit. https://t.co/B9SlG9WELv

— Michael Dobozy (Progressives Show Up to Work) (@dobozysaurus) October 27, 2020

I’ve been a @Spotify user since Rdio went the way of the Buffalo, and @replyall is one of my fave podcasts. But I don’t want to give money to people that finance this BS. https://t.co/qk5Q5bWgtp

— Jason Kozemczak (@jak) October 27, 2020
Cry some more…

Cry some more ? pic.twitter.com/ZVEPrinGbM

— IGGMU (@Angiliano1) October 27, 2020
Given that Jones’ last appearance on Rogan was the most listened to podcast in a decade, Spotify is likely not all that worried about these 14 snowflakes canceling:

?THIS is why I cancelled my @Spotify subscription. https://t.co/jURuHRF7f2

— Juan Salvo (@j_salvo) October 27, 2020

Hey @spotify, before I cancel my account with you anything to say regarding this? Does seeking audience numbers justify this? Very disappointing. https://t.co/dJ48aWpb8m

— David Hughes (@davidhughes) October 27, 2020

Thanks for reminding me to cancel my @Spotify account. https://t.co/4Ard8NYBFJ

— Jason Cross (@JasonCross00) October 27, 2020

I really don't want to cancel my Spotify subscription, but like, this is literally an attack vector for misinformation. https://t.co/FpZScEwmWr

— Terry Gotham (@TerryGotham) October 27, 2020